Become a member patron today by giving only $1 per month ($12 annually or more if you can), and support our ongoing projects:
- caring for and growing 3 plant communities (gardens),
- plant sale and swap,
- film events (this year we will feature “Project Wild Thing” as part of the Gifford/Artrage What If? series),
- curating information for followers on social media,
- leading community clean-ups in 2 neighborhoods for Earth Day/Clean Up Cuse,
- continuation of the garden art signs project,
- SALT-CNY list-serv
and some new projects:
- partnership and fiscal sponsorship with Spark Art Space,
- lionhearted zine gallery in the wild,
- seed saving and seed library introduction to Syracuse,
- Board diversity campaign,
- 2nd location/date for the spring plant swap/sale added to calendar –
- and more to come, with more details about each of these projects in abundance.
Please donate today as we celebrate 10 years of serving the Permaculture/CNY Community.
NOTE: $12 minimum annual patrons receive one free garden art sign yearly (extra signs available to purchase for $10 each); and $10 in credit to our annual plant sale.