Bitternut Homestead, 717 Otisco St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Sunday, November 17, 11AM – dusk (sunset at 4:30PM)
FREE with volunteer labor trade. Or just come for the opening (30-minute) training for a $10 donation to Bitternut Homestead. The bulk of the day will be spent constructing the wattle fencing, weaving together as we chat or sing.
Wattle is a woven framework of sticks, using upright posts and horizontal withies. At Bitternut, we will be using it to replace some of the original pallet fencing with a more aesthetically and community-minded front yard presentation.
Prior to the fence building, we will be coppicing/pollarding maple, willow, and slippery elm on site and at the 610 Gifford St community garden around the corner to procure the materials needed for the installation. Learn about solo stool coppicing and pollarding uses that you can practice at your own site.
Lastly, we will also be replacing some pallet fencing with new pallets obtained locally. Learn which pallets are safe to use, and how to treat and install them for stability and longevity.
We’ll have a big pot of soup (type TBD) and bread to share. Come for the whole time or drop in when you’re available; let us know when to expect you. Please RSVP here:
Dress for the weather.