Permie Food Bites: onion grass pesto

Welcome to the first post on “Biophilic Education & Guidance Resources for a Long Reckoning”, written by Alchemical’s Founder and President Frank Cetera. These educational resources will be made available as a benefit to members of Alchemical’s Patreon account, which you can join for as little as $1 per month, but this first taste is free for all.

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We shop for local and seasonal produce at the Regional Market every Saturday, and this time of year is quite thin for our favorite – we got a red one this week, nut no green cabbage from any farmer vendors was available. Fresh herbs are absent as well. We don’t complain, there are options including the red cabbage, kale, spinach, and some lettuce greens. But it is also the perfect time of year to go foraging for greens in your backyard and other favorite spots now that the snow is off the ground, and life is peaking up through the soil.

Onion grass (Allium vineale), alternatively known as wild garlic, field garlic, or crow’s garlic, is ubiquitous right now, so easy to recognize as it rises four or five inches above the Earth, and of course easy to identify because of its scent, taste, and bulbs attached underground – with every part of it being edible.

Last year,………..

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