Category Archives: General

THANK YOU for Supporting Alchemical Nursery in the SeedMoney Crowdfunding Challenge

We have met our goal in the matched grant crowdfunding challenge through SeedMoney! You helped us raise $600 in donations within a month and we’re now eligible for an additional $400. Thank you! We hope you can come to the Gifford St. Community Garden to enjoy its fruits and help put these funds to use!

Take a look at our SeedMoney page to see how we intend to use it at the 610 Gifford St Community Garden and make a contribution.

Alchemical Nursery description on

You can see a clear & concise overview of what the Alchemical Nursery Project is about on our page:

Salt City Sorcerers: Alchemical Nursery article on Jerk Magazine

An article about the Alchemical Nursery Project which shares some background history, an overview of founding and ongoing intentions, and some outside perspectives.

Alchemical Nursery members believe that integrating permacultural methods will save energy, eliminate waste, and pave the way toward increased sustainability and self-sufficiency. The organization’s efforts also focus on providing an economic and social catalyst for urban areas by weaving agriculture into Syracuse’s inner city.

Read more here:

Hello world!

Welcome to the web site of the Alchemical Nursery project! What can we create together towards a sustainable future…?

We have recently installed WordPress software and are in the process of editing and creating the initial pages and content of this new website. You can register an account and then write posts and share information on our site – see our About page for our Vision and Mission which contributions should adhere to. Please be respectful.

Contact us at info [at] or the Alchemical Nursery page on Facebook.

“Permaculture Orchard” Film Screening