Rahma Foraging Walk Monday May 6th at 5:30 pm

Our next foraging walk is taking place on Monday May 4th from 5:30-6:30 PM at 3100 South Salina St – the Rahma Edible Forest Garden in Syracuse. Please RSVP at https://forms.gle/LVPuJ6AASegadoFZ7

Community forest garden walk and foraging to learn and share about the bounty of free and nutritious edible greens that are growing in Syracuse and Central New York. We’ll identify over 20 edible plants in just one hour! 

Please RSVP! Dress for the weather, we are out rain or shine.

FREE. Suggested donation $5-15 to benefit the Alchemical Nursery.

Please RSVP at this link!

SPRING 2024: Backyard Greens Foraging, Forest Gardens, Plant Sale, Bicycle Depot Events 🚲🌳

Backyard Greens Foraging Walk
Bitternut Homestead, 717 Otisco St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Friday, April 19, 5:30-6:30PM

Backyard and community garden walk and foraging to learn and share about the bounty of free and nutritious edible greens that are growing in Syracuse and Central New York. We’ll visit a couple yards and the community garden to identify and collect local plants. After the walk, there will be an opportunity to prepare a shared meal/dish using the greens we harvest!

Dress for the weather. Bring scissors and a small basket if you have them! FREE. Suggested donation $5-15 to benefit the Alchemical Nursery.

Please RSVP at https://forms.gle/q5NcN1fhKWE9MJGc6

Ursula sampling the bittercress.
Volunteer Opportunity: Forest Garden Openings and Resource Day
Saturday April 20th, 2024

610 Gifford St Community Garden from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
3100 S. Salina St Rahma Forest Garden from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM

> Syracuse Grows Resource Drive compost and mulch truck unloading.
> Trash pick-up and garden organizing.
> Pruning and weeding.
> Dividing, propagating and potting up for the Alchemical Nursery 9th annual plant sale that will take place on Saturday May 11th.

Join the Alchemical Nursery to open up our community garden sites for 2024, come to one or both. These community gardens are unique in Syracuse in that they are mini-forests, fully planted and tended with perennial species, both native and naturalized. Participate in food access and ecological stewardship together.Dress for the weather. Bring tools and gloves if you have them.

Please RSVP at https://forms.gle/UUH8MpisQSfEuhK39
Bicycle Depot Work Day on Sunday, May 5 and Bike Month Activities!  

The Bike Depot is a labor of love and a space where we share bike repair skills and aim to make riding and maintenance accessible to Syracuse cyclists, especially folks who might not have the resources to take their bike to a commercial bicycle shop. We invite new and ongoing volunteers and friends of the Bike Depot for our first 2024 Work Day on Sunday May 5 from 2-4PM.

 Please RSVP via this form if you can help on May 5. May is Bike Month (!!) Mark your calendars for Bike Depot Activities in May 2024: 

Spring Work Day – Sunday, May 5th 2:00PM-4:00PM – Tasks and projects TBD as we get closer to Sunday, May 5th but activities may include: tool and bike part organizing, painting, litter pickup and weeding, and more. Please let us know in the RSVP know if you have special skills you want to shareBike Depot Open House – Tuesday, May 14th 5:30PM – 6:30PM Meet volunteers and community members to learn about resources, opportunities, and activities happening at the Bike Depot. Refreshments served.New Volunteer Orientation – Saturday May 18th – 1-3PM Volunteers are needed to help in a variety of ways: Outreach and Flyering, Graphics Design, and Volunteer Mechanics to help co-host free open shop hours in June, July and August. This orientation is for anyone who wants to volunteer at the Bike Depot during Summer 2024. After the orientation, we’ll make a volunteer schedule for the Summer. Open Shop hours will most likely take place Tuesday evenings and Saturday afternoons in June through September. 

Thank you for being part of our Bike Depot community! We hope to have more exciting announcements to share as we receive applications for the bike depot mural and schedule Bike Depot Open Shop and workshops. If you are into group rides, check out the Syracuse Bike Party each last Saturday of the month!
9th Annual Spring Fundraiser PLANT SALE

Our annual plant sale will take place on Saturday May 11th, Pre-orders are open now!  Find instructions and inventory at this link.  Become a Patreon monthly supporting member (see below) before you place your order and get a $10 credit to the sale, scroll down!  Get updates and info also at the Facebook Event page –https://www.facebook.com/events/405336265470809

And Lastly, BECOME A PATRON OF $1 FOR PERMACULTUREpatreon.com/alchemicalnursery Our team is 100% volunteer, help us spend more time in the garden and with the land, and less time on the computer and with fundraising, by becoming a supporting monthly member at our Patreon account.
Give as little as $1 a month.  
CURRENT PERKS for all donation levels:
MERCH: Alchemical Nursery Project water bottle; a Paper Copy of all newly published organizational Zines.
PROMOS: 50% off purchase of garden art signs; $10 credit to each Spring’s annual plant sale;  Promotional Specials on Plant Sale Gift Card Orders.
PDC CREDIT: Permaculture Design Certificate credit for completion of ANP PDC sessions.
711 Otisco Commons Lot Clean-up
Hearty thanks to Lindsay, Abby, Kathy, and Antonio for joining Frank and bearing the rainy and windy weather to clean up the 711 Otisco Commons lot and the street corridor on Saturday! 

Mural Artist Wanted for the Bike Depot

Very excited to share that the 713 Marcellus Street Bike Depot is seeking a muralist to develop and create a mural at 713 Marcellus Street during the summer of 2024!

Using funds from CNY Arts, we are seeking a local artist to design and create an educational and decorative mural (approximately 8-feet high by 13-feet long) on the outside of our building. Total budget for this project is $2000, including compensation and supplies.

More details here on the application form:


Spring Things – RSVP to Help with Garden Openings, Polyculture Sale Extended

Opening Up our Gardens for the Spring on Syracuse Grows Resource Drive Day
Join us on Saturday April 20th to open up the 610 Gifford St Community Garden (9 AM-11 AM) and the Rahma Edible Food Forest Garden at 3100 S. Salina St (11:30 AM-1:30 PM) for the Spring season!  Help us unload and shovel compost and mulch, do a litter pick-up, divide and propagate plants, and do general maintenance of the beds and stewardship of the site.  Please RSVP if you intend to join us at https://forms.gle/nzp34Xriv59B5rDNA
Our annual plant sale will take place on Saturday May 11th, look for pre-order information soon!  Become a Patreon monthly supporting member for a $10 credit to the sale, scroll down!
Custom Perennial Polyculture Design Sale Extended
We’re extending the sale on our Custom Perennial Polyculture Design to $40 until March 15th to help you get ready for your spring plantings! (Regular Value $50.00).  Order at https://the-alchemical-nursery-project-inc.square.site/ 

 This item is offered as part of our fundraising for Alchemical Nursery permaculture and land stewardship sites, as well as the Depot community bicycle workshop.  Proceeds will directly benefit the budget of these programs, and you’ll be getting or giving a gift that you can’t find anywhere else!

The design fee value of $50 includes research, design services, a digital print-quality image and a written narrative description. Give that special person in your life, which might just be yourself, their very own custom designed polyculture plan based upon their personal preferences and interests regarding purpose, species, and environment. 14-21 days required for delivery once the worksheet has been returned – see at the following link: https://bit.ly/Polyculture_Worksheet

Check out an example design at  https://bit.ly/Polyculture_Item_Description_Example
And Lastly, BECOME A PATRON OF $1 FOR PERMACULTUREpatreon.com/alchemicalnurseryOur team is 100% volunteer, help us spend more time in the garden and with the land, and less time on the computer and with fundraising, by becoming a supporting monthly member at our Patreon account.
 Give as little as $1 a month.  
CURRENT PERKS for all donation levels:
MERCH: Alchemical Nursery Project water bottle; a Paper Copy of all newly published organizational Zines.
PROMOS: 50% off purchase of garden art signs; $10 credit to each Spring’s annual plant sale;  Promotional Specials on Plant Sale Gift Card Orders.
PDC CREDIT: Permaculture Design Certificate credit for completion of ANP PDC sessions.

Updated Patreon Member Tiers and Benefits for 2024 – Update or Renew Available Now.

CURRENT BENEFITS at https://www.patreon.com/alchemicalnursery
MERCH: 1) Alchemical Nursery Project water bottle; 2) a Paper Copy of all newly published organizational Zines.
PROMOS: 3) 50% off purchase of garden art signs; 4) $10 credit to each Spring’s annual plant sale;  5) Promotional Specials on Plant Sale Gift Card Orders.
PDC CREDIT: 6) Permaculture Design Certificate credit for completion of ANP PDC sessions.

The Green Bottle chart below expands our understanding of financial privilege and experience. All member tiers provide the same benefits, so please use sliding scale green bottle chart to determine the level you’re able to contribute.

Image description: Graphic with the title, “The Green Bottle: Where You Fall on the Sliding Scale.” Three illustrations of bottles appear side by side, one filled all the way with green liquid, the second filled halfway, and the third filled low. Each bottle has a list of statements. Along the y-axis of the graphic reads, “Financial Privilege” and the x-axis reads, “Personal Financial Experience.” The full bottle lists the following statements: “I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic* needs. I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. I own my home or property OR I rent a higher-end property. I own or lease a car. I am employed or do not need to work to meet my needs. I have regular access to health care. I have access to financial savings. I have an expendable** income. I can always buy new items. I can afford an annual vacation or take time off.” The half-filled bottle lists the following statements: “I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them. I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. I own or lease a car. I am employed. I have access to health care. I might have access to financial savings. I have some expendable income. I am able to buy some new items & I thrift others. I can take a vacation annually or every few years without financial burden.” The low-filled bottle lists the following statements: “I frequently stress about meeting basic needs & don’t always achieve them. I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs. I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing. I do not have a car and/or have limited access to a car but I am not always able to afford gas. I am unemployed or underemployed. I qualify for government assistance including food stamps & health care. I have no access to savings. I have no or very limited expendable income. I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them. I cannot afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off without financial burden.” At the very bottom of the graphic are additional definitions. “*Basic Needs include food, housing, and transportation. **Expendable Income might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a shop, go to the movies or a concert, buy new clothes, books, and similar items each month, etc. This image and framework was originally created by Alexis J. Cunningfolk | wortsandcunning.com with additions from Britt Hawthorne | embracingequity.org.”

Formal IDEA Statement Published

At the Alchemical Nursery Project, we are committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work. We believe that every individual deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or ability.

We recognize that systemic inequalities exist in our society and are committed to doing our part in dismantling these structures. We strive to create a safe and inclusive space for all members of our community, including those who have been historically marginalized. We actively seek out and welcome diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds, and believe that this diversity makes our work stronger and more impactful. We are committed to creating equitable opportunities for all individuals, including providing access to resources and education that promote sustainable living practices.

We recognize that environmental justice is an integral part of social justice, and are dedicated to addressing the intersectionality of these issues. Overall, we are committed to ongoing learning and growth in our understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We believe that it is only through collective action and intentional effort that we can create a more just and equitable society for all.

# # #

Unique Seasonal and Holiday Gift Ideas

Offering Unique Seasonal and Holiday Gift Ideas as we fundraise for the Alchemical Nursery Project and the Bicycle Depot on Marcellus St. Check them out at https://the-alchemical-nursery-project-inc.square.site/ – all items are pick-up only.

$50.00 (On sale for $40 until December 31st) – Purchase 2 hours of Permaculture consulting towards a Custom Permaculture Polyculture Design.
$20.00 – Limited edition numbered Mojito Mint garden art sign print – 50 Available.
$15.00 – Garden and Field Notes book, Locally designed and handcrafted by Amaranth Bindery.
$5.00 Print copy of the original Rahma Edible Forest Snack Garden zine from April 2013.

Bike Depot Open Shop Days and Hours Posted for June

Tuesdays 5-7PM and Saturdays 10-12PM.
Tues 6/6, Sat 6/10, Tues 6/20, Sat 6/24, Tues 6/27.

The 713 Marcellus St. Bike Kitchen (aka Bike Depot) is a volunteer-run community bicycle repair workshop. Come learn about opportunities to volunteer, use tools to work on your own bicycle, earn a bike, and share skills and mutual aid.

For more info about dates and times email info@alchemicallnursery.org, call (315) 414-7720

Bike Depot Open House Tuesday May 30th From 5:30-7:00pm

A Letter about the Marcellus St. Bicycle Depot

Hey everyone! 

I’m writing to make sure you know about upcoming events at the Marcellus St. Bike Depot. Things are starting to look so good. I am excited to work on bikes together this summer! We* scheduled a “Bike Month Open House” for May 30th 5-7PM. More info coming soon.   

Please let us know if you plan to join an upcoming work day. Here are the upcoming dates and time: 

-Saturday, May 20, 3-6pm
-Tuesday, May 23, 5:30-7pm
-Saturday, May 27, 3-6pm (we’ll be heading to 6:45 the Syracuse Bike Party after!)

Reply to this email if you plan to come. If you are inviting a new friend, here is the volunteer sign up form.

Remaining tasks:
– tool and bike part organizing
– building shelves
– workstation building!

– tool storage/organizing
– weeding

Loey is going to start helping to coordinate volunteers for work sessions and events so you might be hearing from her about work parties and the like. 

See some pics from recent work days on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheDepotAt713MarcellusStreet/

Save the Date: Bike Month Open House at the Marcellus St. Bike Depot

Tues May 30 5-7pm at 713 Marcellus St. 

Save the Date Organizational Meeting 

Tentatively Tuesday June 6th 5:30PM, on Zoom.
Discuss depot membership structure, organizational roles, schedule and goals for the summer and rest of 2023. Everything has been very informal. Lots of people have put in time. Me and Frank have been making plans and decisions but would like to transition to a collective running of the space. 

Summer Hours

Tuesdays 4-7 or 5-7? and Saturdays Hours TBD. What do you think? Stay tuned for a schedule and invitation to sign up to “staff” the shop. 

Hope to see you soon!

-Ursula Rozum